The Teaching Dad

The Teaching Dad

The Scriptures provide clear direction for us Dads with regard to the teaching of our children. (Deuteronomy 6:7-9) It’s not optional, it’s a given. The reality of that command, however, can be daunting to the new Dad. The modern world around us…

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Malachi Dads

Malachi Dads

The last book of the Old Testament contains the last words of the prophets as provided by God to the nation of Israel. A silence that would last for around four centuries. A friend of mine…

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Dads and Donuts

Dads and Donuts

There is an old saying that “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” A rather crude way of saying that men are mainly driven by their appetite. There is some truth there. I found that to be so recently…

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This past year a friend of mine held a Zoom conference as a part of his work with business men. The title he selected for the subject of the call was “Distractions.” In the previous months…

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Seven Minutes

Seven Minutes

As a new Christian in my mid-20’s, I was invited to attend a Men’s conference in Omaha, Nebraska. The speaker that week was a businessman…

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The Big Questions

The Big Questions

Some time ago during a day at the gym where I exercise, a group of men in the locker room were getting prepared to engage in a game of racquetball. Their conversation was loud and jocular and they were having a good time…

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The Faith, My Faith, By Faith

The Faith, My Faith, By Faith

The journey in raising our children to be a disciple of Jesus is long. It begins at birth and continues until we depart this terrestrial ball we call earth. Our greatest impact, generally, is at the beginning of that journey but the influence will still carry on until we reach the finish line.

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Got Praise?

Got Praise?

“Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15 NASB The writer of the letter to the Hebrews provides a number of exhortations as he concludes his note. One of these gems is the necessity for us to live a life that is characterized in praise to our Creator.

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An Unfriendly Man

An Unfriendly Man

Friendship among men is not a major strength for most.  Why is that?  As Proverbs states, selfishness is a major contributor.  And that’s a sin.  Friendship requires me to reach out to another…

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Pressure Makes Diamonds

Pressure Makes Diamonds

A colleague of mine many years ago would proffer the quote, “pressure makes diamonds,” when a tough assignment was on the horizon in our business. Difficult decisions would need to be made and the choices would have consequences, not only for the business, but also for our employees and for us individually.

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