The Scriptures provide clear direction for us Dads with regard to the teaching of our children. (Deuteronomy 6:7-9) It’s not optional, it’s a given. The reality of that command, however, can be daunting to the new Dad. The modern world around us communicates indirectly that the only ones who can teach are those who have been educated. The men and women who have a diploma stating they have completed the requirements to be a genuine teacher. So, most of us today have been inculcated to believe that if we have not been trained as a teacher, we cannot teach our children. Furthermore, our own fathers may not have taught us the Scriptures. We do not have an example to follow. We feel inadequate and not capable. The reality, however, is that you are capable. You are perfect for the job.

God provides the ability as well as the guidance for Dads on the road ahead. Psalm 34:11 is a good example. “Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.” KJV A good place to start is where the Lord directs. Teach your children the “fear of the Lord.”

God provides the ability as well as the guidance for Dads on the road ahead.

Parents are where children learn about the “fear of the Lord.” Much can be said about those four words, the “fear of the Lord.” But very simply it means initially what it states, we are to fear God. We acknowledge that God is the Creator of the universe and of mankind. God is all powerful and all knowing. We submit to His authority with respect, obedience, honor and worship. We grow in reverence and in our love for God over time. This too is part of the “fear of the Lord”. Our children will discover these truths as they observe and experience them with us.

Our role as dads is central to “who” holds first place in our home. Our words and our actions communicate to our children where our priorities lie. When we walk with God, our children will be blessed. Proverbs 14:26 states, “In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.” KJV

Perhaps you are a new dad or one who recently came to know Christ and don’t know where to start in teaching your children the “fear of the Lord.” Let me encourage you that the best place to start is with prayer. Every day. Pray the following:


– Lord, help me to grow in the “fear of the Lord.” To know You and to love You with my whole being. Matthew 22:37

– Lord, help me to grow to have a love for your word. Psalm 119:97

– Lord, help me to grow to have a love for prayer with You. Psalm 42:1-2


And as you pray these truths, God will answer in many ways. God designed the family with Dad to lead the way. You are not alone. God will guide you and be with you each step of the way. Your sons and daughters will be blessed.

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"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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